Meet Shari


Hello friends!  I’m so glad you have come for a visit to my blog.

I am Shari Ray ~ wife, mother, teacher, speaker, writer.

I’ve been teaching British literature in high school for over thirty years now, so if you frequent this blog, you will notice that much of my writing makes connections to both the Bible and literature.  It has become the way I think about things.

I’m married to Larry ~ also for over thirty-five years.  He is a pastor by trade and my oldest friendship.  We’ve known each other since fifth grade, so we have seen so many things, literally and metaphorically, over these years together.  His stories are my stories ~ they mingled together long ago, and there’s no separating them now.  Among our friends and family, we call him “Lad.”

Rainey is my daughter, and there is none better.  Smart, articulate, and wise beyond her years, she is counselor, theologian, mother, and writer in her own right.  She is married to Coleton, the finest son-in-law in the land, who is a pastor in Memphis.

We are a family of readers, writers, counselors, and pastors.  We are storytellers.

Thank you for reading my stories.  My prayer is that they will bless and strengthen you.

10 thoughts on “Meet Shari

  1. You forgot FRIEND: wife, mother, teacher, speaker, writer, AND AMAZING FRIEND!

    “This is the most profound spiritual truth I know: that even when we’re most sure that love can’t conquer all, it seems to anyway. It goes down into the rat hole with us, in the guise of our friends, and there it swells and comforts. It gives us second winds, third winds, hundredth winds.”
    ― Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith


    1. My, my, my ~ thank you for these amazing words and your precious, precious friendship. Anne Lamott does indeed sum it up here ~ that the love of our friends does indeed give us all our needed second winds. Thanks for being that for me. I’m forever glad that we are friends.


  2. Dearest Shari,
    I loved reading your writings! Anxiously awaiting your next story.
    This just confirms what I already suspected about you…… You are a brilliant lady! Love you, Jill t


  3. This is real. These stories touched me to my core. I’m comforted and scared of how close god is to me,knowing all my imperfections. Thank You.


  4. What an uplifting message, Shari. I love your writing style, English lit references and all. Keep up the good work.


  5. You seem like a truly wonderful woman, and I hope you know that. I am so happy to get the opportunity to read your work.


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